At Loans Sorted, our singular idea is to make loan processing a breezy affair. Easy to understand steps and guided by seasoned loan specialists ensure you come out of the whole thing with zero shades of doubt or frustration.
In essence, we strive for clarity in whatever we do–from pre to post approval; we keep our clients informed at all stages through effective involvement.
With Loans Sorted by your side, you will never have to worry about a single paper work going wrong or documents missed.
We start by determining the borrowing capacity of the party. Once that is sorted, we move on to figure out the best deals in the market matching the requirement.
At Loans Sorted, we believe there’s no end to a relationship. Hence, we nurture our bonding with you by keeping in touch and tracking down the best deals even after your loan is sanctioned. In time, if you feel you want to touch base with us for anything, we would be more than happy to serve you.
Once your desired loan figure is determined and you stand eligible for the same, we get the paper works done and ready, and you can expect to hear from us in under seven days.
This is a vital stage where we strive to get your loan pre-approved for your desired figure. Alongside, we also run a check to ascertain your eligibility for several different grants as well as concessions.
Similar to filing for a loan, the post-approval process also involves a good amount of documentation. Fret not! Our dedicated loan processing specialists will have everything arranged for you and explain the entire process.
Typically, it’s your solicitor or conveyancer who will be handling the formalities in this stage. Just ahead of the settlement, you might need to organize your mortgage insurance and like every time, we will be there by your side to take care of it.
We start by determining the borrowing capacity of the party. Once that is sorted, we move on to figure out the best deals in the market matching the requirement.
Once your desired loan figure is determined and you stand eligible for the same, we get the paper works done and ready, and you can expect to hear from us in under seven days.
At Loans Sorted, we believe there’s no end to a relationship. Hence, we nurture our bonding with you by keeping in touch and tracking down the best deals even after your loan is sanctioned. In time, if you feel you want to touch base with us for anything, we would be more than happy to serve you.
This is a vital stage where we strive to get your loan pre-approved for your desired figure. Alongside, we also run a check to ascertain your eligibility for several different grants as well as concessions.
Similar to filing for a loan, the post-approval process also involves a good amount of documentation. Fret not! Our dedicated loan processing specialists will have everything arranged for you and explain the entire process.
Typically, it’s your solicitor or conveyancer who will be handling the formalities in this stage. Just ahead of the settlement, you might need to organize your mortgage insurance and like every time, we will be there by your side to take care of it.